New memberships
To become a new member of Angair, please select from the following membership options, and help us protect our environment!
Standard membership for a family.  Family membership entitles voting rights for two adult members as named on this form and dependent children are welcome at Angair activities.

Subscription rates apply to a calendar year. New members joining at the time of the Annual Wildflower Show in September receive three months’ ‘bonus’ membership. 
Single member
Membership for a single person.  

Subscription rates apply to a calendar year. New members joining at the time of the Annual Wildflower Show in September receive three months’ ‘bonus’ membership. 
Would you like to include a donation?
Amount: $0  Options
A one off donation of $249
A one off donation of $99
A one off donation of $50
A one off donation of $20
I prefer to choose my own amount to donate:
Please enter your info...
Application for Membership 

 In order to be as responsive as possible to your interests, to provide engaging activities, and to offer opportunities for involvement in the many aspects of Angair’s conservation/environment/educational work, it would be appreciated if you could answer the following questions: 
 What is your age group? (For families please enter the age group/bracket for all members of the family that would be participating in Angair activities): 
 My particular interests are and/or participating in: tick all that apply 

 Please suggest other activities you have been involved in / would like Angair to provide: 
 Skills and experience I could offer Angair: tick all that apply 

 Any other skills or experience I could offer Angair: 
 Thank you for your answers and support.