Membership renewals
Please select from the following membership options, and help us protect our environment!
Standard membership for a family.  Family membership entitles voting rights for two adult members as named on this form and dependent children are welcome at Angair activities.

Subscription rates apply to a calendar year. New members joining at the time of the Annual Wildflower Show in September receive three months’ ‘bonus’ membership. 
Single member
Membership for a single person.  

Subscription rates apply to a calendar year. New members joining at the time of the Annual Wildflower Show in September receive three months’ ‘bonus’ membership. 
Would you like to include a donation?
Amount: $0  Options
A one off donation of $249
A one off donation of $149
A one off donation of $89
A one off donation of $49
I prefer to choose my own amount to donate:
Please enter the details of the person who received the renewal notice (so we can match the entry in our database).
Thank you for your answers and support.